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His coming brought not peace but strife,
Each man against his neighbour's life!
The name of Jesus called on high
Became a bloody Battle cry.
(The light will shine, whate'er may hap)
Ah! little Babe on Mary's lap!

The tender Mother doomed by Fate
To see the victim of men's hate
Expire upon the cruel cross,
Unknowing of her future loss,
(The light will shine, whate'er may hap)
Smiles on the Babe whilst in her lap!

Ah! woe is me! The Sermon taught
Upon the Mount, with wisdom fraught,
Is lost, forgotten, whilst men search
For dross, and his dear Name besmirch
(The light shines on, whate'er may hap)
Who lies a Babe on Mary's lap!

They know not what they do, dear Lord,
Forgive their slighting of thy word,
And let the ages still unborn
Be mindful of that happy morn
Whose light will shine, whate'er may hap,
Which saw the Babe on Mary's lap!