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The wave loves the Iris-Flower
He winds his suppliant, tender
Arms round her moveless feet.

But she like a queen in armor
Stands slim and ardent and fragile
And lifts her face to the Sun.

Often I thought of Jeanne the Maiden
While I played in our garden all alone
Where a thousand-flowered honeysuckle
Climbed an old barn wall of creamy stone.

Jeanne in the oak-wood of Domremy,
Jeanne in her father's orchard-close
Hearing the sweet, unearthly Voices—
Oh, far and very far from those

Seemed the little girl with tangled elf-locks
In her knee-short frock of navy blue
Who read and dreamed of the Hero-Virgin
While the warm June days dragged slowly through.

But I thought the eyes that Jeanne had visioned
'Mid the dim oak-boughs of Domremy
Were looking down star-clear and tender
Through the dark leaves of our tulip-tree.

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