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So when she unfurls it—
Must needs be anear
Her cheek, her red lips, or
That maddening ear—

My kisses undreamed of
Will hover and cling—
Oh, her ladyship's fan's an
Adorable thing!

Look, here is an ancient earring
In shape like a golden basket
Crowded with poppies; the blossoms carved
From scarlet and white cornelians
The leaves are of emerald.

'Twas worn by a Greek hetaira
In Athens—her cheeks were painted
With white and scarlet, her golden hair
Twined in a hundred ringlets
Each stiffened with burnished wire.

Her eyes were as green as smaragd—
They glittered and darkened with envy
At talk of the great Aspasia
Who was mistress to Pericles.

What were the lace of Venice or Alençon
To this of beaded pink and scarlet spun
By all the mer-queen's winsome maids of honor
With fleet white fingers flashing in the sun?

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