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Came a voice, like a dove's in the woodland,
   So tenderly:
"When father and mother forsake thee,
   Look thou above;
The Father Eternal remembers
   The child of His love.

"The shadows have gathered around thee,
   Born of the light;
Had the sun never risen to warm thee,
   Where were thy night?
Remember the springs in the desert,
   Arid and drear;
For thee hath the wilderness blossomed,
   Why dost thou fear?"

There are treasures beneath the dark waters;
   Seek thou, and learn;
Hidden riches in secret places
   Thou must discern.
And think not He changes or chides thee;
   Comforts decline;
But Christ made the covenant blessings
   Eternally thine.

"He gave thee His promise to keep thee;
   Can He deceive?
He granted His Word and His Spirit;
   Only believe.