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And the foes that now surround thee
Thou ne'er shalt see again.
The Ark hath crossed before thee
Through Jordan's swelling flood,
And the path through these wild waters
Is traced with Jesus' blood."

I trust in Thee, Lord Jesus!
Though darkness veil Thy face;
It cannot dim one promise
Of faithfulness and grace.
I passed the Red Sea's fury,
And death I shall not see;
For as Thou wert with Moses,
So wilt Thou be with me!

I have no song of triumph;
My lips forget the lay;
My hand forgets her cunning
On my broken harp to-day.
But Christ is my salvation,
And all my heart can bring—
The Lamb once slain for sinners,
My Saviour, Lord, and King!

Glory to Thee for ever,
Who rulest Jordan's wave;
Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus,
Who came to seek and save.