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Emerald and beryl throwing
Chastened hues, the fairer growing
As the jasper blends the rays;
Chrysopras, like king's attire,
Glowing like a star of fire,
Or a soul that loves to praise.

Who the love and pain can measure,
Ere revealed this hidden treasure,
One by one in dazzling light?
On His breast our High Priest wears them,
On His shoulder, see, He bears them,
Ever in our Father's sight.

Can one jewel lack its station?
Nay, for through much tribulation
Christ hath won them for His own.
Veiled on earth, by sorrow faded,
Clouds of care their beauty shaded,—
But behold them near the Throne!

They in Christ. How fair! how glorious!
Feeble ones in Him victorious,—
Who that bond of love can sever?
All so fair—not one is fairer,
All so dear—not one is dearer,
All in Christ,—yea, Christ's for ever!