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The river seemed to flow along
The flowery bank I trod,
And every sigh for things of time
Withdrew my heart from God.

No vision of my Father's house
Upon the shadows stole;
Earth, with its pictured beauty, held
Captive my willing soul.
"Oh, for the bird's free wing," I sighed,
"And those fair fields of ours!"
Hark! from the street a low voice cries,
"Buy Everlasting Flowers!"

As sunbeams in the Lapland sky
Disperse the nights of gloom,
A strange sweet gladness echoed in
That solitary room.
Sweeter than singing bird or bee,
Amid earth's fading bowers,
Awoke the echo in my heart,
"Sweet Everlasting Flowers!"

"Buy,buy!" and as it rose again,
The stranger's plaintive cry,
Another voice seemed whispering,
"The wine and milk come buy: