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Yet I have known the price
My careless soul has cost;
But this false world has wooed me well,
And I have loved and lost;
   For I believe in hell.

Here at the grave's dark mouth,
Of every help bereft,
I long in vain for one lost day;
And but one hour is left,
   And life ebbs fast away.

I might have lived for Christ,
Who gave His life for me;
I might have been His witness here,
But now this cannot be;
   I shrink, I faint with fear.

Lord, is there no hope for me?
When thou wast crucified,
Thou heardst the malefactor's cry
Ascending by Thy side.
   Wilt Thou my prayer deny?

Lord, I am that vile thief
Who robbed Thee every day
Of glory, honor, praise, and work,
And nought have I to pay;
   And now the night grows dark.