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Weep not for me, nor heave a sigh:
Relieved of all my cares I die,
And pass beyond this vale of tears,
Where grief or sorrow ne'er appears.

Weep not for me; but strive to live
So that your God to you may give
A peaceful life, with happy love,
And meet at last in Heaven above.

Weep not for me; the end of life
Will end all sorrow, care, and strife.
To each and all I bid adieu,
Trusting in Heaven to meet with you,

Weep not for me; my spirit love
Will wait for you in Heaven above,
Until the trumpet-sound is given,
When we'll again unite in Heaven.


"Prepare to meet thy God!" is sounding
In my ears from morn till night.
I well know my heart is longing
With heavenly spirits to unite.