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A Reverie.
There are pink geraniums in the vases near me,
Their tinted faces look into my own,
Methinks they almost understand and hear me,
As moodily I ponder here alone.

Oh! pretty little pink geraniums bending
Your innocent young glances down on me,
I know the message you are gently sending—
The message of your silent sympathy.

Slow ticks the clock, the silence punctuating,
Outside the wind doth underline it deep,
While overhead the stars are palpitating
With golden lustre, even in their sleep.

And in the stillness, Thought whom I evaded
Through all the noisy turmoil of the day
Has laid his hand upon me and the faded
Brilliance of his eyes, and sent away

The lovely little dream-nymphs, who with kirtles
Of fairy fancies broidered with delight
Dwelt happily among the flowering myrtles
Of a domain I hide from mortal sight.