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There in your place, fear not, I'll treat you well,
All in my territory safely dwell.
Those rebel hordes the senses, I shall train
To military service, they shall reign,
My loyal viceroys and my orders seal
With prompt obedience. Come to heel!

No compromise can be between we two,
One must be master—and it is not you,
Poor temporary instrument of an hour
Clutching so greedily the reins of power.
Only by your surrender am I free to deal
With matters that concern me much. Good body, keep to heel.

Some and Some.
Some sit in the sun and spin
Threads very fine and thin,
And they are heavy-hearted,
If this strand should be parted,
Or that one run awry
By the flicker of an eye.
They weave their threads so frail
Into a flimsy veil