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An Empty Glass.
Nothing of consequence. Now will you take
A spoonful? only one, my dearest, try!

No! No! I hate it. Go, leave me alone,
Oh! hot as Hades! What's the use? Too hot,
Too hot, I tell you. So, your Honour, as
The plaintiff used the words with that intent
'Tis useless to deny that now he is——
Among the guests star-scattered on the grass,
And when thyself with shining foot shall pass,
And in thy joyous errand reach the spot
Where I made one, turn down—turn down—turn down——
Oh turn down what? Oh! tell me quickly what?
I've searched so long, all down the lonely lanes
Long, and so lonely and so burning hot——
Surely you know? thy shining foot shall pass
Thy slender shining foot, and reach the spot
Where I made one, turn down—turn down—turn down——

An empty glass, turn down an empty glass,
But not until you drink this medicine.