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Two Ways of Love.
I see no sign, and I shall have to live
So many years, oh, heaven! so many years.
For death will not have time to think of me,
I am too young and strong. And though one's eyes
Can never weep, and though one's heart
Is sunk in misery, one will not die
But live and live. Oh,what am I to do?
For I love Phillip, who loves Adrienne,
For I love Phillip, who loves Adrienne.

And Adrienne has always been so rich—
So rich in beauty; perfect as a flower,
In colour and in contour is her face,
Deep velvet for her eyes, and shining coils
Of matchless lustre for her woman's crown,
A regal symmetry of line and form.
The rounded arm a miracle of grace,
And every gesture supple as the curve
Of willow wands assenting to the breeze.
And Adrienne has but to stretch her hand
And all the rarest flowers, the richest fruits
Of love and beauty, intellect and joy
Fall at her touch. Her well is fathomless,
Yet to my little cup she stoops and drains
The draught that is my life. Unconsciously!