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Two Ways of Love.
Bury its dead. And then I met my fate
In Phillip Stanhope, and I loved him. Tom!
Consider what it means that I, yes, I,
The woman who had died in grief and shame,
Was suddenly reborn, a ransomed soul.
I love him! God in Heaven! How the words
Ring through my senses like a battle cry.
I, starving, I, an outcast from Life's feast,
A pale ghost shivering without the pale
Of warm humanity. I love! I love!
And in my veins rich currents come and go,
And thoughts flash through me like the golden points
Of sunshafts breaking through a stormy pall.
Something sings here within my heart where all
Was silence, and upon its lifting wings
I rise to holy places, and I see
What never mortals saw before—a bloom,
A fragrance—a design in life. I love.
And Phillip loves me, pours about my life
The pure flame of his worship, saturates
My spirit with the flawless joy of his.
I am so happy—Tom—I almost faint
With thinking of it—and oh, Cousin, would——