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"My right, when toiling and dismay
Oppress the burdened noon of day,
To freshen it with salt sea-spray.

"To be, when hearts shall fail for fear,
Seeing eclipse of suns draw near,
A star-shine in the darkness clear.

"To be, in this world-beaten dust,
A still evangelist of trust,
Waving white wings before the just.

"My right to stand beside the dead,
With hands upon the living head,
Both unto rest eternal led.

"My right to pure child-tears and smiles,
To baby-love and tender wiles,
Hope, that the weariest heart beguiles.

"I will not have thy place, O man!
By petronel and barbican,
Or reeking in the battle's van.

"My strength against the ruder foe,
I will be thine beneath the blow,
My right to love, and thine to know."