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After the camanches.
Go, like the east-wind's howling!
Ride with death behind.
Stay not for food or slumber,
Till the thieving wolves ye find!
They came before the wedding,
Swifter than prayer or priest;
The bridemen danced to bullets,
The wild dogs ate the feast.

Look to rifle and powder!
Fasten the knife-belt sure;
Loose the coil of the lasso,
Make the loop secure;
Fold the flask in the poncho,
Fill the pouch with maize,
And ride as if to-morrow
Were the last of living days!

Saddle, saddle, saddle!
Redden spur and thong;
Ride like the mad tornado,
The track is lonely and long.
Spare not horse nor rider;
Fly for the stolen bride;
Bring her home on the crupper,
A scalp on either side!