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A List of Books Publiſhed

Works lately Published.

Faithful Forever. By Coventry Patmore, Author of "The Angel in the House." 1 vol. Just Ready.

Over the Cliffs: A Novel. By Charlotte Chanter, (a sister of Rev. Charles Kingsley.) 1 vol. $1.00.

The Recreations of a Country Parson. 1 vol. $1.25.

Works in the Press.

in addition to those announced in the foregoing catalogue.

Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. By Dean Ramsay. From the Seventh Enlarged Edinburgh Edition. With an American Preface. 1 vol. 16mo.

Poems of Rev. Wm. Croswell, D. D., Edited, with a Memoir, by Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D.D.. 1 vol.

The Life of Francis Bacon. Founded on Original Letters and Documents. By Hepworth Dixon. 1 vol. 16mo.

The Life and Career of Major Andre. By Winthrop Sargent. 1 vol. 12mo.

Poems. By Rose Terry. 1 vol. 16mo.

The Autobiography of the Rev. Dr. Alexander Carlyle. Containing Memorials of the Men and Events of his Times. Edited by John Hill Burton.

Sermons Preached in Harvard Chapel. By Rev. Dr. Walker, fate President of Harvard University.

The Complete Works of Walter Savage Landor. Library Edition. Revised and Edited by the Author.

Beauties of De Quincy. Selected from the Writings of the English Opium-Eater. With fine Portrait. 1 vol. 12mo.

Favorite Authors: A Companion Book of Prose and Poetry. With 26 fine Steel Portraits.

Hesperia. By the late Richard Henry Wilde. 1 vol.

Heroes of Europe. A capital Boy's Book. With 16 Illustrations.

Bonnie Scotland. By Grace Greenwood. Illustrated.

The Seven Little Sisters, who live in the Round Ball that floats in the Air. Illustrated.