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BELL-SONGS. No. 2."Fulgora frango."
Swinging slowly through the thunder,
Thrill the vivid bolts asunder,
  Make the storm-wind quail.
Hurl thy challenge, stern defender,
Fierce against the tempest's splendor,
  Past the hissing hail.

Leaping through affrighted heaven,
Swift the wrathful flames are driven,
  Flashing death and fear.
Speak, thou bell! with sullen clangor,
Overcry the tempest's anger,
  Force the storm to hear.

Unrelenting, burning, streaming,
Red o'er livid oceans gleaming,
  Lightnings rend the sky.
Break the thunder's fearful chorus,
Lift thy peal of triumph o'er us,
  Floating strong and high.