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Right and left I scanned the landscape round,
Every shape, and scent, and wild bird's call,
Every color, curve, and gentle sound,
Deep into my heart I gathered all.

Up I looked, and down upon.the sod
Sprinkled thick with violets blue and bright,
"Surely, 'Through his garden walketh God,'"
Low I whispered, full of my delight.

Like a vision, on the path before,
Came a little rosy, sun-browned maid,
Straying toward me from her cottage door,
Paused, up-looking shyly, half afraid.

Never word she spake, but gazing so,
Slow a smile rose to her clear brown eyes,
Overflowed her face with such a glow
That I thrilled with sudden, sweet surprise.

Here was sunshine 'neath the cloudy skies!
Low I knelt to bring her face to mine:
Sweeter, brighter grew her shining eyes,
Yet she gave me neither word nor sign.