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NIGHT falls on land and sea,
  'Mid starlight calm and clear;
The last that e'er shall close o'er thee,
   Departing year.

The moon is bright on high,
  Stars gem the vault sublime;
They beam upon thy dying eye,
   Thou child of Time.

All earth entranced appears,
  No breath is on the wave;
Nature in silence sheds her tears
   Around thy grave.

Yet calmly dost thou die,
  And o'er thine opening tomb
No raging blast or shrouded sky
   Sheds storm and gloom.

But as one full of years,
  Honoured and loved, must bow
At last amid his children's tears,
   So fadest thou.

Yet who without a sigh
  Can see thee pass away,
And think how swiftly too flies by,
   Youth's early day?