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For who can think without a sigh,
Of happy years gone past,
In love unchanged by grief or care,
Firmer for every blast!

Or ponder o'er the days to come,
Without an anxious heart,
That trusts for blessings, but still fears
To see some joy depart.

Yet still, my best beloved! while thou
And thy dear love are mine,
This earth can never dreary seem,
This heart can ne'er repine!

Dost thou not, Dearest! feel how swift
Days seem to hurry past,
Till each successive year appears
More shortlived than the last?

For since the hour that made us one,
Though life its cares must bring,
Yet time has ever seemed to me
To fly on swiftest wing.

And but for those sweet little ones
That rising round us come,
I scarce could think four wedded years
Had glided o'er our home.

But their glad voices, soft and clear,
Their tiny footsteps' sound,
Tell that old Time is pacing on
His sure though silent round.