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When, wrapped in prophet visions, Israel's might
And future glory rose before his sight,
When heavenly radiance burst the mantling gloom
That veils from human eye long years to come;
And many a yet far distant scene of light
Beamed through the mist of ages shadowy bright,
And showed in dim relief the wondrous plan
Of love and peace to fallen, guilty man.
But he who heard, with gathering fear and wrath,
Those words of blessing poured on Israel's path,
Can now no more his grief and dread contain.
"Oh! curse them not, but bless them not again!"
He sadly cries.
He sadly cries."Nay, told I not to thee
That every word the Lord vouchsafes to me
I must declare,—nor dare my lips to seal
For thee, O King,—but all He speaks reveal?"
Thus says the seer; but Moal's monarch, still
Unawed and restless, now declares his will
To try on Peor's lofty brow once more
The mystic spells so vain and weak before,
And see if God perchance would hear his prayer,
And let him curse the chosen people there.

And dost thou think, O vain and impious man!
That time or place can change the wondrous plan
Of Him at whose command primeval Night
On dusky pinions winged her rapid flight?—
When from the mass of dark chaotic strife
This beauteous world first rose to life and light.
And all the countless orbs that gem the sky
Began to tread their viewless path on high.