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Dance on, dance on, my merry one!
Sport through the summer hours;
Life will not always thus to thee
One long, bright noon of sunshine be,
One path of thornless flowers.

Thy morn is only opening now;
O that through life's long day
The sunlight of this early time,
The dewy freshness of thy prime,
Might never pass away!

Thou hast thy mother's name, my child;
Her anxious love for thee
No better earthly wish can prove,
Than that thy lot of wedded love
As blessed as hers may be.

But far that future; short the path
Thy little feet have trod.
We cannot trace thine onward way,
But only use the present day,
And leave the rest to God.

And oh! if now the precious seed
In humble faith is cast,
We well may trust that sun and shower
Will surely bring our folded flower
To bloom in heaven at last!


June, 1845.