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IN that dark day when sorrow comes,
Oh, may the Lord attend thy cry,
May Jacob's God be thy defence,
And send thee help when none is nich.

From Zion may He give thee strength,
And call to mind thy offerings still,
Grant thee in love thy heart's desire,
And all thy warmest wish fulfil.

In Thy salvation we'll rejoice,
And proudly lift our banner high,
In God, our God's most holy name;
And oh! may He attend thy cry.

Now know I that the Lord will hear,
And bless His loved anointed one;
From heaven He soon will stretch His hand,
To comfort and uphold His own.

Some in chariots trust for aid,
Some on an arm of flesh repose;
Jut we'll remember His great name,
Who dashed to earth our vaunting foes.

They are brought down and fallen low,
But we are now exalted high.
Save, Lord! oh, King of Glory, hear,
And when we call attend our cry.


October 1, 1832.