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AS pants the trembling hart to taste
Those streams she ne'er shall see,
So pants my soul for Thee, O God;
Yea, thirsts and longs for Thee.

When shall T come before Thy face?
For tears have been my food;
And while I sadly weep they say,
Oh, where is now thy God?

When I remember all the past,
I pour my soul to Thee;
For oft they've gone, with songs of praise,
To Thy loved courts with me.

Why art thou so cast down, my soul?
Why feel such sad dismay?
Hope still, thou yet shalt praise His Name
Who is my strength and stay.

Oh, God! my heart is sinking fast,
But I will trust in Thee,
Though all Thy 'whelming billows pour
Their fiercest wrath on me.