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And then I will remember still
The years of Thy right hand, O Lord;
I'll muse upon Thy handiworks,
Thy blessings o'er our fathers poured.

Thy way is in the sanctuary,—
Who is so great a God as Thou?—
The God that doest wondrous things,
And show'st Thy strength to Israel now?
For Thou with Thine almighty arm
Didst set Thy chosen people free;
The sons of Jacob, blessed of old,
And Joseph, well beloved of Thee.

The waters saw Thee, Lord of all,
The waters saw in mute dismay;
The depths were moved, the bursting skies
Poured forth their arrows o'er Thy way!
The thunders shook yon heavens on high,
The lightnings gleamed o'er earth and main;
This trembling world Thy presence owned,
And bowed beneath Thy feet again.

Thy way is in the trackless sea,
Thy path upon the billows' foam;
What mortal eye can trace Thy course,
Or dare to pierce Thy mantling gloom!
'Twas Thou that with a shepherd's care
Didst lead Thy chosen flock of old;
Didst guide them on by Moses' hand,
And brought them safely to Thy fold.


October 12, 1832.