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Yea, darkness hideth not from Thee,
But bright as noon's refulgent ray,
To Thee the shadowy midnight glows,
And every thought and action shows.

Lord, I will praise Thy holy Name,
For strange and fearful is my frame;
Wondrous in all Thy works art Thou,
As well this grateful heart doth know.

Long ere I saw the light of day,
Thine eye could trace mine earthly way;
O God, how precious is each thought
To me, with all Thy mercies fraught!

How great their sum! no tongue can count
The drops which flow from that pure fount;
More than the sands which bound the sea:
When I awake I'm still with Thee.

Thou wilt, O Lord, the wicked slay,—
Ye sinful men, away, away!
They dare to speak against Thy Name,
And e'en Thy holy word defame.

Do not I hate those impious bands
Who hate Thy holy, just commands?
Do not I grieve to see them rise,
As though they were mine enemies?

Search me, O God, and know my heart,
Oh, try each inmost thought apart,
And see if evil dwells in me,
And lead me in the way to Thee.


August, 1831.