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Remove all strife and bitterness
From our loved land afar,
And let the time come speedily
When there shall be no war!

There is a sadness in the autumn air,
Something, beside the yellow leaf and sere,
Reminds us of the hopes the young spring brought,
Sweet hopes that perish with the waning year;
And over all the land a sigh of pain
Shudders along the mellow atmosphere.

The great heart of the nation, stirred from peace,
Torn from the quiet languor of its rest,
Breaks lavishly its wealth of crimson life
On Southern fields, and prairies of the West!
Oh, what shall be our final recompense
For all this carnage of our brave and best?

A Country and a Name! we stand for that!
Convinced, though suffering, it is better far
To weep for all we love and cherish most,
Than to give up a single glorious star!
And let the right hand perish that would dare
The blue field of our banner thus to mar!

We count the cost. We know the stricken hearts!
God pity them! and make them strong to bear!