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Voluptuous swells of melody,
Bird diapasons wild and free,
   Break on the pulseless calm.

The springs are low; the tall grass dips
Within the brook its thirsty lips,
   To drink with eager zest;
In the green woods the shadows lie
So deep, the south wind's lang'rous sigh
   Scarce palpitates their rest.

July! thou priestess of the year!
Sweet Southron, from a tropic sphere!
   Native of some far shore!
Rich tones, and thrills, and breaths, are thine,
The souvenirs of lands divine
   Thy mantle hath swept o'er!

Skies deeply blue as mountain lakes,
A languorous atmosphere,
Hills bathed in clouds of purple haze
And seeming strangely near;
Radiant and bright, a ball of fire,
The great sun burns with fierce desire
On the perfecting year.

The elms droop lazily, scarce stirred
By the inactive breeze;