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Down in the gorge below the rugged hill,
Half hid in shadow stands the brown old mill,
And just above the willows bend so low,
Beneath the wild clematis' blooms of snow,—
So very low they dip within the tide,
And with perpetual dew are glorified.

In autumn-time the loaded grapevine's scent
With thyme, and mint, and sedge is sweetly blent;
And where the forest stretches cool and green,
With belts of sunshine and of shade between,
The heavy air is full of smells of pine
Blending a subtle fragrance with the vine.

Oh, fair Cochecho! sweeping on thy way,
Past old farm-houses, mossy eaved and gray,
Make music for the factory's patient slave,
Flash hope and beauty from thy sparkling wave;
Gladden the lowlands,—linger 'mid the flowers,—
And mind me sometimes of lost summer hours.

Down past the rushes so dense and dank,
   Over the snow-white sands,—
   The treacherous, gleaming sands,—
And down the face of the slippery bank
   Where the old gray poplar stands,—