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the missionaries.
It was, indeed, a lovely night!
The wild birds all bad winged their flight
Home, to their lofty nests on high,
Beneath the broad and azure sky.

The Indian in his wigwam lay,
Dreaming the unconscious hours away;
And all was hushed, and not a sound
Disturbed the solemn shades around,
But hark! a voice breaks on the ear,
And fills the heart with sudden fear;
And, lo! beside that rock-bound shore,
Strange forms are seen ne'er seen before.

And now, with mast and pennon fair,
A stately ship was standing there,—
Which, on that waste of waters wide,
Before, was never seen to glide.
The Indian, startled with affright,
Looked out upon the brow of night,
And quickly springing from the ground,
Made the wild woods re-echo round.