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lament for nathaniel m'lain.
Yea, ever 'mid the thickest fight—
The bravest of the brave—
Willing to share a soldier's fate,
Or fill a soldier's grave.

But thou wert spared amid it all,
To see thy home once more;
Yea, borne on Neptune's friendly waves,
Didst reach thy native shore:
And loving friends, and tender ones,
Came forth thy steps to greet,—
Oh, it was joy, the dearest joy,
Those early friends to meet!

Our gray-haired sire beside thee stood,
While pride thrilled through his breast,
Murmured thy name in tender tones—
And, brother, thou wert blest:
Our mother, too, oh! who can tell
The deep unselfish love
That thrilled each fiber of her soul,
As angels thrill above!