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the return.
Oh! that stranger land had charms for him,
As he seemed to look through the future dim;
The gentle breath of a classic land
Seemed to fan his cheek with its breezes bland,
And on Fancy's wings he was bounding free,
A mariner o'er an "untroubled sea."

That time is passed, that dream proved true;
He has plowed old Neptune's waters blue;
He has looked on Venice, the proud, the free,
Where she sits in her glory, fair "Bride of the Sea,"
And traversed the shores of sunny France,
Bright land of beauty and romance!—

And paused, where the moonlight softly lay
On the ancient walls of the Alhambra,—
Where the last, last sigh of the sad Moor stole
Like a knell of death to a parting soul:
But that time has passed, he has ceased to roam,
And come at last to his native home.