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lines written for an album.
So bright were my visions, I oft would retreat
To some lovely fountain, with flowers at my feet,
And there such fair dreams of happiness frame
As are known in this cold selfish world but by name.

But ere eighteen brief summers had passed o'er my brow,
The hope of my heart in the grave was laid low:
Since then, who can tell, who can dare to divine,
The sorrows and cares that have ever been mine?

Thou too, dearest friend, a deep sorrow hast known;
But I trust from thy spirit forever it's flown:
May the fair hopes that linger and dwell round thee yet,
Soothe every sorrow and soften regret!

May thy son, like the oak, the forest's proud tree,
Be a shelter, protection, and comfort to thee!
May thy daughters be gentle, obedient, and kind,
And possess every grace both of person and mind!