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Her smile was strange and still,
She held her eyelids down;
She went by the ruined mill
By the ragweed yellow and brown,
Into the field forlorn,
With fairy rings on the ground.
In the gloom of the fairy thorn
Were fairies circling around.

She is gone on the fairies' horse
The ragweed, yellow and sly.
She will be a fairy's nurse
And wipe the tear from his eye;
And her own wee troublesome lad
May pine, and she will not come:
Her husband be crazed and sad,
But she will never come home.

Never, never again, Ailie,
Though long we look for you,
Never in sun or rain, Ailie,
Never in dusk or dew.
With your night-black hair like silk, Ailie,
And your eyes like the sky,
And your skin as white as milk, Ailie,
Ailie Carroll, good-bye!