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And when his wonderful tale was told,
They knew, those foolish friars, at last,
Their Convent held the treasure of gold
Angus, whom for a twelvemonth past
Men sought, then deemed the search in vain,
Since God His gift had taken again.

In a procession they went out;
The mitred Abbot at their head;
And all the folk, with song and shout,
Went following down the way they led:
And through the haggard and the barn,
And past the yellowing field of corn.

They found the saint of songs and books
Feeding his dear kine with sweet grass,
Who turned on him their loving looks;
And with his brother birds he was.
Seeing, he let the green swathes fall,
And turned his sad face to the wall.

The Abbot knelt and kissed his feet,
They brought him fine robes to put on,
And fair and costly things to eat,
A crozier like the sun that shone.
But Angus wept, and sore afeard,
Cast ashes on his hair and beard.