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Little white rosebud,
Be not in haste
Yet to uncover
To the hot blast.
World's breath will scorn thee,
Cruel winds blow,
Ravage my rosebud
Whiter than snow.

Lullaby, my rosebud,
Grow not a rose.
Round thee to shield thee
Mother's veil flows.
Rose of her darkness,
Make her heart glad—
The saddest poor another
That ever earth had.


Why then, my sister, dost thou sing
So sad a cradle song to wing
Thy baby into slumbering?
Nay then, thine eyes be dried.

Kiss his soft feet and feel but this,
Thou art a mother, with that bliss
Turning all carking care that is
To happy joy and pride.

We take the joy and grief in one,
We mothers who have borne a son,