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Och, Modereen Rue, I've no cause to be grieving
For little red rogues, with their tricks and their thieving.
The hounds they give tongue, and the quarry 's in sight,
The hens on the roost may sleep easy to-night.
    Och, Modereen Rue!

But my blessing be on him! He made the hounds follow
Through the woods, through the dales, over hill, over hollow,
It was Modereen Rue led them fast, led them far,
From the glint of the morning till eve's silver star.
    Och, Modereen Rue!

And he saved his red brush for his own future wearing,
He slipped into a drain, and he left the hounds swearing.
Good luck, my fine fellow, and long may you show
Such a clean pair of heels to the hounds as they go.
    Och, Modereen Rue!