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The poppy flaunts a petticoat
Of airy films that fly and float;
Of fairy gauzes, fairy-fine,
Lucent and crystalline.

Lighter than lightest gossamer,
Or the moth's wing at eve astir;
Frills of the scarlet set arow,
And rosiest rose on snow.

No dancing Graces can reveal
Flounces like hers from knee to heel;
No fairy twirl of fairy girl
Scatters such rose and pearl.

The fairies laundered this last night,
A glow-worm light for candle-light;
This in the dews was washed and steeped
While drowsy mortals slept.

The little fairy fingers feat
Ironed it out so neat and sweet,
And set the frills with dainty skill,
Ruffled at the wind's will.