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"See you how in this cup
I bind the great sea's girth!"
"Ah no, the gray sands suck it up
Your cup is little worth.

"Now put your play aside,
And let the ocean be.
Tell me your name, O violet-eyed,
That empty out the sea!

"What lineage high and fine
Is yours, O kingly boy,
That sure art sprung of royal line,
A people's hope and joy."

"Austin, as you have said,
A crown my Sire doth wear,
My mother was a royal maid
And yet went cold and bare."

He shook his golden curls,
A scornful laugh laughed he.
"The night that I was born, the churls,
They would not shelter me.

"Only the ox and ass,
The night that I was born,
Made me a cradle of the grass
And watched by me till morn.