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The moon within our casement beams,
Our blue-eyed babe hath dropt to sleep,
And I have left it to its dreams,
Amid the shadows deep,
To muse beside the silver tide,
Whose waves are rippling at thy side.

It is a still and lovely spot,
Where they have laid thee down to rest,
The white rose and forget-me-not
Bloom sweetly o'er thy breast,
And birds, and streams with liquid lull
Have made the stillness beautiful.

And softly through the forest-bars
Light, lovely shapes, on glossy plumes,
Float ever in, like winged stars,
Amid the purpling glooms;
Their sweet songs borne from tree to tree,
Thrill the light leaves with melody.

Alas! the very path I trace,
In happier hours, thy footsteps made;
This spot was once thy resting-place,
Within the silent shade;