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hymn to the sea.
The eternal Beauty that these countless years
Makes earthly musings so divinely fair,
Broods listening to the prophecy thou chantest—
The subtle breath of mortal sympathies
  Is she, wooing us unto right
  In unsuspected ways; a light
From inmost heaven tempered to dreaming eyes,
A sweet foreshadow of the joy for which thou pantest.

Roll in from far thy deep broad-skirted thunder,
Whereon the wild winds fawn! Thy voice by day—
But Night adopts and trances it away
Info its clear, sad universe of wonder.
O weary of life's lavish, shallow sound,
Enrich me beyond hunger with that tone!
  Tell in what deep, gray solitude,
  It may be born, what caverns rude;
Still haunt it; and if the infinite Alone
Touch it himself with calm and utterance so profound.