Page:Poems and extracts - Wordsworth.djvu/55

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In love, in play, in trade, in war
They best themselves acquit,
Who though their interests shipwreck'd are,
Keep unreprov'd their wit.

"Anne Countess of Winchelsea, Authoress of the foregoing Poems, was the daughter of Sir William Kingsmill of Sidmonton, in the County of Southampton. She married Heneage, second son of Heneage Earl of Winchelsea, who on the death of his Nephew, Charles, succeeded him in the title of Earl. She died, without Issue Augst. 5th. 1720." see Poems by Eminent Ladies.

A passage in her "Petition for an absolute Retreat," not given in the Extract from that poem, and another in the "Fragment" page , prove that she was attached to James the second and suffered by the Revolution.