Page:Poems by William Wordsworth (1815) Volume 1.djvu/252

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And now she's at the Doctor's door,
She lifts the knocker, rap, rap, rap;
The Doctor at the casement shows
His glimmering eyes that peep and dose!
And one hand rubs his old night-cap.

"Oh Doctor! Doctor! where's my Johnny!"
"I'm here, what is't you want with me?"
"Oh Sir! you know I'm Betty Foy,
And I have lost my poor dear Boy,
You know him—him you often see;

He's not so wise as some folks be."
"The devil take his wisdom!" said
The Doctor, looking somewhat grim
"What, Woman! should I know of him?"
And, grumbling, he went back to bed.

"O woe is me! O woe is me!
Here will I die; here will I die;
I thought to find my Johnny here,
But he is neither far nor near,
Oh! what a wretched Mother I!"