Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/147

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"Poems on fever al Oc c a fions. 9j

III. Our cliang d and rtiingled Souls arc grown

To fuch Acquaintance now, That if each would refuine their own,

Alas! we know not how. We have each other fo engroft, That each is in the Union loft.

IV. And thus we can no Abfence know,

Nor fliall we be confin'd -, Our active Souls will daily go To learn each others Mind, Nay, fhould we never meet to Senfe, Our Souls would hold Intelligence.

V. Infpird with a Flame Divine

I fcorn to court a ftay^ For from that noble Soul of thine

I ne'er can be away. But I (hall weep when thou doft grieve 5 Nor can I dye whilft thou doft live.

VI. By my own Temper I (hall guefs

At thy Felicity, And only like my Happinefs

Becaufe it pleafeth thee. Our Hearts at any time will tell If thou, or h be fick, or well.