Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/229

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^toetns on fever al Occa fions. I 77

Againft LOVE.

HEnce, Cupidy with your cheating Toy?, Your real Griefs, and painted Joys,

Your Pleafure which it felf deftroys. Lovers like Men in Feavers burn and rave, And only what will injure them do crave.

Mens weaknefs makes Love fo fevere,

They give him Power by their Fear,

And make the Shackles which they wear» Who to another does his Heart fubmit, Makes his own Idol, and then Worfhips it,

Him whofe Heart is all his own,

Peace and Liberty does crown,

He apprehends no killing Frown. He feels no Raptures which are Joys difeas'd, And is not much tranfported, but ftill pleas'd.

A "Dialogue of FRIENDSHIP multipl/d*


Will you unto one fingle Senfe Confine a flarry Influence ? Or when you do the Rays combine, To themfelves cnly make them (hine ? Love that's engrofs'd by one alone, Is Envy not Affeftion.