Page:Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips.djvu/244

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To Celimena.

FOrbear fond Heart (say I) torment no more
That Celimena whom thou dost adore;
For since so many of her Chains are proud,
How canst thou be distinguish'd in the Crowd:
But say, bold Trifler, what dost thou pretend?
Wou'dst thou depose thy Saint into thy Friend?
Equality in Friendship is requir'd,
Which here were criminal to be desir'd.

An Answer to another perswading a Lady to Marriage.


FOrbear bold Youth, all's Heav'n here,
And what you do aver,
To others Courtship may appear,
'Tis Sacrilege to her.


She is a publick Deity,
And were't not very odd
She shou'd depose her self, to be
A petty Houshold God?


First make the Sun in private shine,
And bid the World adieu,