Page:Poems for Workers - ed. Manuel Gomez (1925).djvu/34

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I swear that when the cock crows I shall not deny him.
And if you chain me and drag me before the Beast that
guards the seals of your power, and the caitiff that
conspires against the daylight demand my death,
And your hangman throw a black cowl over my head and
tie a noose around my neck,
And the black ghoul that pastures on the graves of the
saints dig its snout into my soul and howl the
terrors of the everlasting beyond in my ears,
Even then, when the cock crows, I swear I shall not
deny him.
And if you spring the trap under my feet and hurl me
into the gloom, and in the revelation of that instant
eternal a voice shriek madly to me
That the rope is forever unbreakable,
That the dawn is never to blaze,
That the night is forever invincible,
Even then, even then, I shall not deny him.