Page:Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903.djvu/225

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Countess of Winchilsea

All which the Past did with such wonder view
And down to future Ages wou'd Proclaim
What future Ages scarse cou'd take for true
When they describ'd Thee on the Stage of War
Earlier than Cæsar far
And made Thee ere thy tenth accomplish'd year
Undaunted in the Lists appear
And martial Light'nings see and Martial Thunders hear 40
Which Cæsar never prov'd nor his tenth Legion knew.


Next had they shown Thee in the Galick Host
Performing such stupenduous Things
As influenc'd the Fates of Kings
Whil'st the best General which the World cou'd boast
Thought ready to resign his Breath
Assur'd his Troops they shou'd not feel his Death
If that Illustrious York wou'd fill th' important Post.
Thus wou'd they Thy exalted valour raise
By Turene form'd, and stamp'd with Turene's praise 50
O're Seas and Lands (as Seas and Lands have seen
Thee greatly Brave) that Fame had sounded been
Which to the skies was borne in Opdam's fiery blaze.
High o're th' Invading Fleet his vessel rose
By Thy prevailing Batteries driven
Which like a streaming Meteor dreadfull shows
Now threat'ning from th' illuminated Air
To all beneath itt Ruine and Dispair
As Heathen Witts had said to haue inkindl'd Heaven
Till down at length the Plague portended came 60
And wrought such various Deaths that some must want a name.
Oh mighty Prince, for here thy dark'ned Lott