Page:Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903.djvu/273

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COUNTESS OF WINCHILSEA ���135 ���Thus Tyrants who Usurping rise �To fix them in that wrong Do sharpest punishment Deuise �For Crimes from whence they sprung. ���TIMELY ADVICE TO DORINDA �Dorinda since you must decay �Your lover now resign As Charles that Empire gave away �He saw wou'd soon decline �Tis better in the height of Power �Thus with your Sway to part Then stay till that more fatal hour �Of his revolted heart. �For Witt but faintly will inspire �Unless with Beauty joyn'd And when our Eyes have lost their fire �Tis uselesse in the Mind. �Be then advis'd and now remove �All farther thoughts about itt. Sinch [s?'c] youth we find's too short for Love �Though Life's too long without itt. ���THE PHCENIX A Song �A Female Friend advis'd a Swain (Whose Heart she wish'd at ease) �Make Love thy Pleasure, not thy Pain, Nor let it deeply seize. ��� �